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Rapidly Win Great Agent Relationships
Proudly Sponsored By:
October 23rd, 2024
Start Time: 10 AM PST
Duration: 60 Minutes
Rapidly Win Great Agent Relationships

With interest rates declining, many loan officers are going to abandon their effort of going after purchase business in exchange for the low hanging fruit of refinances. No one knows how big the refinance market will be. However, one thing is for sure, this is an amazing opportunity for you to win referral partner relationships faster than ever before, if you have the right formula.

Attend this program and you will:

Meet Ron Vaimberg

Ron Vaimberg is recognized as one of the most requested, in-demand real estate and mortgage trainers and coach’s in the housing industry. He is the driving force behind a number of the nation’s top-producing real estate and mortgage professionals.

As a thirty-eight-year industry veteran, trainer and coach, Ron is the go-to trainer, sales coach, and success strategist for top agents and mortgage professionals throughout the U.S., Canada, and Australia. Ron is recognized as the “street trainer”, in that his high-performance marketing and sales strategies work in the real world and are easy to implement and produce rapid results.

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