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In almost every business planning session they always talk about setting your goals and your numbers. As important as these items are, they are not nearly enough to get you to where you want to go. Some will have you believe that “if you write it, the business will come”. However nothing could be further from the truth.
For you to succeed in your goals and plans there are many questions that must be answered that go far beyond just how much money you want to make and how you want to make it.
Create My Future 4 Session 2 CD set is the culmination of years of successful business planning. CMF will guide you step by step in the creation of your plan in a way you have never experienced before. When you set your plan up based upon the principles in this program and take action, your success is virtually all but guaranteed.
When it comes to creating a business plan that works, you must answer a lot of questions to get to the right answers. All too often when mortgage professionals create their plan, they fail to focus on the areas that will derail them along the way. This is why an estimated 94% of mortgage professional business plans fail. What is worse is that they are destined to fail from the start and the person putting it together does not even know that they have stacked the deck against their own success.
In order for your business plan to work for you it must encompass:
1. The direction you are heading…
2. The strategies and tactics needed to succeed…
3. Areas of skill improvement needed…
4. The forces and circumstances that derail you and how to overcome them…
5. Critical time calculations…
6. and so much more…